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In a rapid span COVID-19 has changed all our lives and as individuals and societies have had to adjust to new measures to ensure the safety of the general public and to prevent the unnecessary spread of the virus. The situation is one that is constantly changing and it is our responsibility to make sure that we remain informed about what role we have to play. Below you will find various resources about what is happening, where to find accurate information and what to do if you need help.

Think you have COVID-19?


  • Fever (temperature of 37.8 C or greater)

  • New or worsening cough

  • Shortness of breath 

  • Sore throat

  • Difficulty swallowing

  • New smell or taste disorder(s)

  • Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain

  • Runny nose, or nasal congestion                               


*these symptoms are very similar to seasonal allergies and other minor forms of illnesses that could be the cause of their occurrence.

Step 1: Take the Canadian Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Health Assessment


Step 2: Being Tested 

It is possible to have COVID-19, yet not show any symptoms. If you feel as though you have been in close contact with someone who may have the virus, you should get a viral test performed, which will let you know if you are currently sick.


The Canadian government recently released a new app called COVID Alert, which lets the user know if they have been in close contact with someone who has been infected with the virus. It is available for free download in the App Store and Google Play. 


Throughout Ontario, Assessment Centres have been set up so that anyone who is concerned they might be infected can be tested. Find the nearest centre to you here:


If you are outside of Ontario or  Canada, it is recommended that you contact one of the nearest health centres to get more information about concerns of infection.


Step 3: Test Results

Visit: and follow the instructions on the site to receive your test results.

If you test negative, continue to follow social distancing guidelines and remain cautious. 

If you test positive, self-isolate at home until symptoms subside, however, if they worsen, visit the nearest hospital for treatment.


*for more up to date Canadian information on COVID-19, visit

2020 by A Teen Perspective. Proudly created with

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