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Mental Health

Mental health is still a somewhat taboo topic in our society, however safe spaces to have open conversations about mental health and well-being continue to be developed. More people are becoming aware of the importance of taking care of oneself mentally and have taken steps towards to do so. However, the onset of the current COVID - 19 has created new variations of mental health issues that have caused a change in many people. It might be difficult for many people to find places where they can help or to find healthy coping mechanisms that are effective. 

Coping Mechanisms 

Most people have struggled at some time during the past few months with isolation, as there has been a drastic change in our lifestyles. While places are re-opening, it is still important to remember the position we are in with the pandemic and deal with our mental health accordingly. Coping mechanisms have the power to be extremely helpful, but they can also be damaging if not performed with our best interests in mind. Below are a few coping mechanisms that are helpful, regardless of COVID -19 with stress, anxiety, depression and isolation.


  • Go outside - take a walk, play a sport etc.

  • Yoga

  • Exercise 

  • Eat something healthy

  • Meditate

Develop a new hobby:

  • Gardening 

  • Painting 

  • Baking 

  • Colouring

  • Photography


  • Journaling - write out what you’re feeling

  • Take a bath

  • Listen to your favourite song

  • Take breaks from the news

  • Give yourself a pep talk (it works!)

Where to get help?

Anxiety Canada

This is an organization that provides online and in community resources to anyone suffering from anxiety. They have videos, blog posts and free information on how to recognize and cope with anxiety. Their website offers locations of the nearest places in your city to seek aid.



The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health is a Toronto based organization that works throughout Ontario to provide services to those suffering from mental health problems. They offer remote support methods, coping mechanisms and various other resources for a wide range of people.



Good2Talk is a program that offers confidential methods of mental health help in Ontario and Nova Scotia, particularly for people aged 17 - 25. Counsellors can be contacted through call, text or email.


Teen’s Health

This resource offers teenagers free online information about what they feel and why they may feel that way. They have information ranging from body image to mental health to relationships.


More resources for counselling and various other forms of health services are available on the face of our resource page and at: for those who live in Ontario. If you don’t live in Ontario, it is likely that more in person resources in your region can be found with a Google search.

2020 by A Teen Perspective. Proudly created with

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